Unpacking the Premier League’s Proposal for Post-Brexit Transfers

Last year, on October first, the UK’s Home Secretary, Priti Patel, addressed hundreds of Tories at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, but she might as well have been standing in the halfway circle addressing thousands at Old Trafford,…

Last year, on October first, the UK’s Home Secretary, Priti Patel, addressed hundreds of Tories at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, but she might as well have been standing in the halfway circle addressing thousands at Old Trafford,…

Last year, on October first, the UK’s Home Secretary, Priti Patel, addressed hundreds of Tories at the Conservative Party Conference in Manchester, but she might as well have been standing in the halfway circle addressing thousands at Old Trafford, Anfield or Stamford Bridge. 

Fast forward to this month and English football has its own immigration point-based system. Due to Brexit, freedom of movement with European players has officially ended.

As a result, the Football Association and the Premier League have been forced to agree on new rules regarding non-homegrown players. It is one of the biggest reforms to the English transfer system in years. 

Today we break down the new points system and ask, what does it mean for English football?


Mike Keegan (@mikekeegan_DM) is a Sports News Correspondent for the Daily Mail and is the Editor of the Sports Agenda column.

Tim Wigmore (@TimWigmore) is a sports journalist for The Telegraph and author of the recent book, The Best: How Elite Athletes are Made

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‘Andelo’ by Blue Dot Sessions

‘Ultima Thule’ by Blue Dot Sessions

‘Sayera’ by Blue Dot Sessions

‘Even Dreams of Beaches’ by Blue Dot Sessions

‘Colrain’ by Blue Dot Sessions

‘We Build with Rubber Bands’ by Blue Dot Sessions

‘Periodicals’ by Blue Dot Sessions

‘Peacetime’ by Blue Dot Sessions