Replacing a Superstar in 2020

Welcome to a bonus episode of Football Today. On yesterday’s episode, we made the case for why Barcelona should sell Lionel Messi. Today we step back and take a look at the role of star players more generally in the transfer window. How important are…

Welcome to a bonus episode of Football Today. On yesterday’s episode, we made the case for why Barcelona should sell Lionel Messi. Today we step back and take a look at the role of star players more generally in the transfer window. How important are…

Welcome to a bonus episode of Football Today. On yesterday’s episode, we made the case for why Barcelona should sell Lionel Messi. Today we step back and take a look at the role of star players more generally in the transfer window. How important are they and how easy are they to replace?



Omar Chaudhuri (@OmarChaudhuri) is the Chief Intelligence Officer at 21st Club and 15th Club.


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