How Serie A got Coronvirus So Wrong

Italy has been one of the countries most affected by coronavirus. Consequently, football in the country has come under a microscope. Paolo Dal Pino, Lega Serie A president, has flip-flopped on how to respond to the outbreak.  Today, we look back…

Italy has been one of the countries most affected by coronavirus. Consequently, football in the country has come under a microscope. Paolo Dal Pino, Lega Serie A president, has flip-flopped on how to respond to the outbreak.  Today, we look back…

Italy has been one of the countries most affected by coronavirus. Consequently, football in the country has come under a microscope. Paolo Dal Pino, Lega Serie A president, has flip-flopped on how to respond to the outbreak. 

Today, we look back at how Serie A reacted to the outbreak and ask, what can other leagues learn from Serie’s management of the virus?


Nima Tavallaey covers Italian football for and the Serie A Show podcast. Follow us:
