Is Football Coming Back Too Soon in Brazil?

This weekend as COVID-19 cases in the UK fell, people returned en masse to pubs and restaurants. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Brazilian cities are reopening despite surging cases and deaths of COVID-19. While many experts believe the worst is yet…

This weekend as COVID-19 cases in the UK fell, people returned en masse to pubs and restaurants. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Brazilian cities are reopening despite surging cases and deaths of COVID-19. While many experts believe the worst is yet…

This weekend as COVID-19 cases in the UK fell, people returned en masse to pubs and restaurants. Meanwhile, across the Atlantic, Brazilian cities are reopening despite surging cases and deaths of COVID-19.

While many experts believe the worst is yet to come, football has returned to Rio de Janeiro causing discord between locals clubs and government officials.

Today we look at Brazil’s handling of the coronavirus and ask, is football coming back too soon in Brazil?


Tim Vickery (@Tim_Vickery) is a South American football expert and broadcaster. He regularly writes for and The Sun and is a co-host of The Brazilian Shirt Name podcast

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