Should Barcelona Sell Messi?

On August 25th Lionel Messi declared his intent to leave FC Barcelona. Then, last Friday, he shocked the world by saying he would return to Barca for one last season. Many fans and pundits have looked at this as a ‘win’ for the club. But what if…

On August 25th Lionel Messi declared his intent to leave FC Barcelona. Then, last Friday, he shocked the world by saying he would return to Barca for one last season. Many fans and pundits have looked at this as a ‘win’ for the club. But what if…

On August 25th Lionel Messi declared his intent to leave FC Barcelona. Then, last Friday, he shocked the world by saying he would return to Barca for one last season. Many fans and pundits have looked at this as a ‘win’ for the club. But what if Barcelona is better off without Messi? 

Today we make the case for why Barcelona should sell Messi. This was recorded on Thursday before Messi made his decision


Dermot Corrigan (@dermotmcorrigan) covers La Liga for The Athletic. 

Suggested Additional Reading:

Explained: What Messi’s U-turn means for him, Barcelona and Manchester City

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