Why Have FIFA Suspended Ahmad Ahmad?

When Gianni Infantino ran for FIFA President in 2016, he ran on an anti-corruption ticket. Looking to succeed Sepp Blatter, this approach was hardly surprising. The problem is… the claims of corruption just haven’t gone away. The most recent FIFA…

When Gianni Infantino ran for FIFA President in 2016, he ran on an anti-corruption ticket. Looking to succeed Sepp Blatter, this approach was hardly surprising. The problem is… the claims of corruption just haven’t gone away. The most recent FIFA…

When Gianni Infantino ran for FIFA President in 2016, he ran on an anti-corruption ticket.

Looking to succeed Sepp Blatter, this approach was hardly surprising. The problem is… the claims of corruption just haven’t gone away.

The most recent FIFA representative under scrutiny is the President of the Confederation of African Football, Ahmad Ahmad, who, earlier this month, was suspended for 5 years by FIFA.

In this episode, we ask: Why has Ahmad Ahmad been suspended by FIFA? And why doesn’t the corruption go away?


Philippe Auclair (@PhilippeAuclair) is the England Correspondent for France Football.

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The music for this episode was provided under the Creative Commons license by Blue Dot Sessions.

Our Only Lark by Bitters

Parissi by Marisala

Periodicals by Albany, NY

The Green Room by Warmbody

Peacetime by TinyTiny Trio